How To Lace Your Skates!

Skate lacing is an essential skill to master for ice skaters of all levels. Whether you're a beginner skater looking for new ice skating tips, or an advanced skater seeking to brush up on your lacing skills, we're sure you'll find these ice skate care instructions useful.

1. Position, Position, Position

Positioning yourself correctly is essential to proper skate lacing. Whether you bring your own skates or rent them at the rink, you'll want to start seated in a chair with your loosened skate stabilized on a mat. Extend your leg to rest the weight of your foot on the heel. Ensure your toes are pointed slightly upward and your foot is pressed firmly into the skate. Bench seating is available throughout the skate shed at CDA On Ice.

2. Tightening Your Laces

Starting with the laces nearest your toes, slip your pointer and middle fingers through the laces. Grabbing the laces firmly on either side, push your foot down into the boot while simultaneously pulling up on the laces. Continue working your way up the boot, fastening your laces with this technique at each hole.

Note: this process may cause the ends of your laces to slip out of the boot. Feed any loosened ends back through the top laced holes to prevent them from being pulled out, then return to tightening as needed.

3. Lacing the Ankle

Once you've tightened the toes and middle section of your boot, you'll need to lace the ankle. You want your ankle to be snug and well-supported. If at this point your top few holes have come unlaced, simply follow the established lacing pattern to finish lacing your boot to the top and then tighten.

If your boot has hooks, you'll want to cross your laces, then pull them from either the top of the hooks down or from the bottom of the hooks up and tighten. If your skates don't have hooks, try feeding your laces from the outside through the next hole on the same side to create a loop. Now, crossing your laces as usual, pull the ends through the loop on the opposite side and pull to tighten.

4. Finishing Touches

Pull your laces to the front of the skate to begin your knot. Cross one lace over the other, then wrap it under twice before pulling the laces outward to secure the knot. As you bind your knot, rock your toes forward to create space between your laces and the top of the skate. Pull tightly to remove this space, then repeat the process until the laces are taut and no more space can be created.

If you have excess laces, you'll need to wrap the remainder around your boot to prevent tripping hazards. Wrap the laces until you've eliminated the excess, then secure them in place with a double knot and bow.

Ready to put these ice skate care tips in motion? Coeur d'Alene On Iceโ€™s beautiful new rink in downtown Coeur d'Alene is the perfect place to test out your new lacing skills! Book a skate session, skate lessons, or a private party at Coeur D'Alene On Ice today!

Victoria Layden